Thursday, April 16, 2009

Mt. Mgahinga national park

SIZE:33 sq km
LOCATION:Far southwest, bordering Rwanda and Congo, 14km from Kisoro town.

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park is located in the southwestern corner of Uganda. The Park covers the northern slopes of the three northernmost Virunga Volcanoes: Mt. Muhavura (4,127 m), Mt. Gahinga (3,474 m), and Mt. Sabinyo (3,645 m). The Park is about 10 km south of Kisoro and is bordered to the south by the Republic of Rwanda and to the west by the Democratic Republic of Congo. Each of these countries protects its own portion of the Virungas, in the Parc National des Volcans and Parc National des Virunga respectively. The three parks together form the 434-sq. km. 'Virunga Conservation Area' or VCA. Mgahinga is 33.7 sq. km, just 8% of the VCA. The entire Park is in Bufumbira County of Kisoro District.

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park is 33.7 sq. km and consists of the partly forested slopes of three extinct volcanoes. From far away, the huge cones of the virunga volcanoes dominate the landscape and beckon you as you approach. When you reach the park you can get a great overview of the area by walking up the viewpoint, just 15 minutes from Ntebeko Gate. Mgahinga Park has great biological importance because throughout the climatic changes of the Pleistocene ice ages, mountains such as these provided a refuge for mountain plants and animals, which moved up or down the slopes as climate became warmer or cooler. The Virungas are home to a large variety of wildlife, including about half the world's critically endangered mountain gorillas.

for more information, contact

accommodation in Mgahinga gorilla national park

If you are the 'go camping tourist', then there is ample space at the park gate and Mt. Gahinga Rest Camp for 'Do it Yourself Camping', besides that, there is also excellent traditional Bandas managed by the local community.
Kisoro Town which is 14 kms to the gate of Mgahinga Gorilla National Park offers a wide range of accommodation facilities ranging from the basic Camp-site to the luxurious full board hotels, these include Traveler's Rest, Sky Blue, Mt. Gahinga Rest Camp, Virunga Hotel, Mgahinga Safari Lodge, Rugigana Campsite and Mubano Hotel among others. Be rest assured that you have big choice here.

How to reach Mgahinga national park

Road:Kisoro is about 540 km from Kampala (Uganda's capital city), it takes about 8 hours via Kabale by car.For public transport, there are daily buses/minibuses, which set off at 7.00pm from Kampala. Once in Kisoro Town, you can hike to the park if you are strong enough or hire a cab to the park gate

What to do in Mgahinga National park

Gorilla Tracking
This is the most thrilling tourist activity in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park. The habituated gorilla in this park is called the Nyakagezi, which consists of 9 members, 2 silverbacks, 3 adult females, 2 juveniles and 2 infants.
Gorilla tracking is an intensive experience that can take the whole day. The guide leads you through the gorilla's world, explaining aspects of their ecology and behavior along the way.
We must stress that, while you have a very good chance of seeing gorillas, success is NOT guaranteed. They are wild creatures with no fixed routine, and finding them requires the skill and experience of your trackers and guides, as well as luck.

The trackers and guides have helped to habituate the gorilla groups and know them intimately. They will take you to the area where they left the gorillas the day before. Before leaving they may be able to suggest how long the hike might be. While walking, please feel free to ask guides to slow down if they are going too fast and if you need a rest. Feel free to stop and look at birds or flowers, the guide will ensure that you don't get left behind.Gorilla Tracking can be strenuous walk, so go prepared. It is advisable that you:Wear shoes with good traction, suitable for steep muddy slopesCarry rain gear, sunscreen and a hut, as the weather is unpredictable.Carry water and food

Carry binoculars, you will see much more, you can hire from the park officeWhen taking photos, remember your subjects are black animals in dim light, and flash is not allowed.
Good Manners for Gorilla Watchers
· Keep your voice down or be quiet. You will see and hear if you do.· Don't point or waive your arms- this can be seen as a threat. Move slowly.· If approached by a gorilla, back away slowly to keep 5m separation.· Don't use flash, this could threaten the gorillas and bother other visitors.

Hiking:Volcano Climbing
Mt. Sabyinyo (366m)'Old man's teeth'
Like an old man, time has eroded Mt. Sabyinyo's crown. This volcano offers 3 challenging peaks to climb. A climb up the mountain takes one up a ridge along the eastern side of the climb to peak. If you are to continue, the climb to the peak 11 involves walking a ridge with breath-taking drops into gorges of Rwanda and Uganda, a dual experience you will achieve here.Finally, the hike up to the peak 111 is steep with several ladders and mush scrambling. You are guaranteed to get your hands dirty en-route to peak111! Once on top, you will be in Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda, what a triple experience this is!!! The journey takes about eight hours round trip to cover the 14km stretch.

Mt. Gahinga (3474m)
On your way to the park, look out for small piles of stones in the garden fields. The local people call such a pile a 'Gahinga'.Mount Gahinga is quite bigger than the average 'gahinga' but sitting next to Mount Muhavura does make it look small. A hike, which takes you about, six hours round trip, goes through a good example of a pure Bamboo forest. Gahinga once had a Crater Lake on top but time has changed it into a Lush swamp. Distance to the swamp is 8km.

Mt. Muhavura (4127m)
'The Guide'
Seen from all over Kisoro, this volcano acts as a guide. The typical cone-shaped Mountain provides some of the best views in the country. Much of the climb passes a rocky surface covered by grasses and small shrubs. Once at the top, hikers are rewarded with the view of the Virunga volcanoes, Lake Edward in queen Elizabeth National Park, Bwindi and the peaks of Rwenzori Mountain. The hike takes approximately 8 hours round trip covering 12km.You are advised to camp at the Muhavura base camp the night before the site has no facilities so you need a tent, water, food and sleeping gear.

Cave Exploration Garama cave:This is one of the caves where once the crafty Batwa (who were warriors) lived and fought their neighbors, the Bantu. The distance to the cave entrance from the park headquaters is 3 km long and it takes about 4 hours. Your guide will show you how the Batwa lived and fought out of the cave. The cave is 342m in length and 14m deep, and is now inhabited only by bats.

Viewing Platform:This is about 800 metres from the Park gate. Once on top, you will have a good view of the Park and the surrounding areas. A guide is not necessary and the activity is free. Displaying panels at the hill point will give some information about what you can see.
Border Trail - Visa Not RequiredThis hike takes you first toward Sabinyo. The trail climbs up the base of Sabinyo for a while through fine montane forest before turning toward the Congo. Along the way you will get a great view of Sabinyo's gorge and peaks. Upon reaching the Congo you cut back along the international border. The return leg to the Park Head Quarters is a great section for birding. The two rest huts along the way are good places for a break. Look closely for the golden monkeys and signs of elephants. Hiking time is 5 hours and distance 10 km.

Birding: Mgahinga Gorilla National Park is blessed with a unique bird fauna; 79 bird species have thus far been recorded within the park, including several species endemic to the East Congo Montane region.For the Virunga Conservation Area as a whole, over 295 species in the Virungas are endemic to the Albertine Rift Afromontane region representing 59% of the total of known endemic species.Remember to contact the Park Management for a guide who will take around for a good viewing of birds, do not forget your binoculars!!

Free BirdingFree birding along the edge of the park is now available on request. The guides are happy to take you out from 5-6 p.m. if you book by 10 a.m. that morning. You can choose where the walk will take you, or simply relax in the campground. A stroll a long the buffalo wall toward the Congo takes you through a wetland area where Ibis, Whydah, Speckled Mousebird, and Fire Finch are found. Stonechat, Grey Capped Warbler, Waxbills, and Yellow-Vented Bulbul are often seen around the campground. Ask your guide where the best spots are. Feel free to take your time and go at your own pace, there is no hurry when birding.

for more information on bookings and getting a gorilla permit, contact

Mt. Elgon National park

Mt. Elgon national park
Elgon is a 4,321m high extinct volcano which in prehistoric times stood taller than Kilimanjaro does today. Although the mountain straddles the Kenya border, its loftiest peak, Wagagai, lies within Uganda and is best ascended from the Uganda side.
Elgon is an important watershed, and its slopes support a rich variety of altitudinal vegetation zones ranging from montane forest to high open moorland studded with the other-worldly giant lobelia and groundsel plants.
Spectacular scenery is the main attraction for hikers on this oft-neglected and relatively undemanding mountain, but there is also a variety of forest monkeys and small antelope, along with elephant and buffalo. A checklist topping 300 birds includes many species not recorded elsewhere in Uganda.
Other attractions include ancient cave paintings close to the trailhead at Budadiri, and spectacular caves and hot springs within the crater.

SIZE:1,145 sq km
LOCATION:Near Mbale on the east border with Kenya.

Mbale lies 3-4 hours from Kampala along a good tar road.The trailhead at Budadiri, 20km from Mbale, is accessible by public transport

Day walks from Budadiri or within the Mount Elgon Forest Exploration Centre; hikes of four days or longer traverse the peaks.Well worth visiting is the lovely Sipi Falls

for more information contact

accommodation in Mt. Elgon national park

Up-market lodge at Sipi Falls. Midrange hotels in Mbale. Budget lodging at Sipi Falls, Mbale and Budadiri. Within the park, camping only and accommodation for the students is available.

for more information contact

when to visit Mt. Elgon national park

The lower slopes are fine throughout the year. The drier months (June to August, December to March) are best for hiking.

What to do in Mt. Elgon National Park

Day walks from Budadiri or within the Mount Elgon Forest Exploration Centre; hikes of four days or longer traverse the peaks.Well worth visiting is the lovely Sipi Falls

for more contact

Monday, March 30, 2009

How to reach Lake Mburo national park

Road Transport:
Lake Mburo National Park is found in Mbarara district, 3.5 hours drive from Kampala on Mbarara Kampala highway. Turn left at 13 km (Akageti) past Lyantonde, which then brings you to Sanga gate. Both junctions have clearly labeled signposts. It is 13 km from Sanga trading center of Sanga gate, 5 km from the main road to Nshara gate and about 20 minutes drive from Rwonyo Park Head Quarters.

Where to stay and eat in Lake Mburo National park

Lake Mburo National Park has 4 tents at Rwonyo park headquarters.
There are also 3 public campsites, all strategically located to facilitate and enhance scenic viewing and easy access to water. Lake Mburo dining shelter provides meals on order.

Neither the Rest Camp nor hostel stock food, visitors are therefore advised to carry sufficient food and drinks for the duration of their stay in the park. The Rest Camp staff can arrange for the cooking. However other supplementary diet such as chicken and goat meat can be arranged from the nearby community for visitors who intend to stay longer.

Lake Mburo national park

SIZE:260 sq km

LOCATION:In the south, near Mbarara

Lying in the one part of Uganda covered in extensive acacia woodland, Mburo has markedly different fauna to other reserves.
Lake Mburo is the best place in the country to see the gigantic eland antelope, as well as zebra, topi, impala, and several acacia-associated birds.
The five lakes within the park attract hippos, crocodiles and a variety of waterbirds, while fringing swamps hide secretive papyrus specialists such as the sitatunga antelope and red, black and yellow papyrus gonalek.

What to do in Kidepo national park

Game Viewing
The park harbours a great diversity of animal species than other parks. Of the 80 species of mammals listed in 1971, 28 were not known to occur in any other Ugandan park. Carnivore species unique to Kidepo and Karamoja region include the bat-eared fox, striped hyena, aardwolf, caracal, cheetah and hunting dog. Less common ungulates include the greater and lesser kudu, Chandlers Mountain reedbuck, klipspringer, dikdik and bright gazelle; beisa oryx and roan antelope have been severely depleted by poachers in the recent years. Among other large ungulates are elephant, burchell's zebra, bush pig, warthog, rothschild giraffe, cape buffalo, eland, bush buck, bush duskier, defassa water buck, bohor reed buck, jackson's hartbeest and oribi. Five species of primate are found in the park of which the Kavirondo bush baby is endemic. Carnivores present include lion, leopard, several small cats, spotted hyena, black-backed jackal and side-striped jackal. The easiest to see being the jackals.

There are high chances of viewing tree climbing lions that always sits on sauces trees along Narus valley or on rock just as you enter the Apoka Park Headquarter. Other wildlife include elephants, leopard, bush duiker, jackal, bush buck, bush pig, kavirondo bush baby, buffalo and much more that are some times seen right from the veranda of Apoka Rest Camp.
The park boasts an extensive avifauna. 465 species have been recorded (three new species were added to the list in 1995). Of particular interest, the ostrich and the Kori bustard are principally associated with arid regions.

The park is outstanding for its birds of prey. Of 58 species recorded 14 are believed to be endemic to Kidepo and the Karamoja region. These include Verreaux's eagle, Egyptian vulture and pygmy falcon. Also of note are four species of hornbills. The redbilled, the yellow-billed and Jackson's hornbill are peculiar to Kidepo, while the giant Abyssinaia ground hornbill is quite common. There is however no comprehensive survey in Kidepo and keen visitors stand a good chance of adding to the current list.

Hiking and Scenery viewing
Hiking can be carried out on Lamoj Mountains just a few kilometers from the Park Headquarters. Visitors can also go to view the splendid Kidepo River Valley dominated by Borassus palm forest; its wide flat bed is dry for most of the year. From Kidepo Valley, you may also visit the Kanangorok Hot Springs, which are located only 11 km from Kidepo river valley.
The mountain and Savannah landscape of the park is spectacular. The Narus valley is situated in the South West of the park; the rugged Napore-Nyagia mountain range forms its western boundary. Separating it from the Kidepo Valley in the northeast, are the Natira and Lokayot Hills. To the north in the Sudan are the Lotukei mountains and the Morungole range marks the southern boundary of the park.

To add flavor to your visit to Kidepo River, take time and visit the picnic site located on the sand and you won't also miss the sound of palm leaves in constant motion in the wind.

Cultural Performance
The local community has a group of cultural entertainers who on request are always available to perform. The performers have a large menu for you, traditional dances such as the Emuya of the Naporre and Nyangia, ethnic groups and Larakaraka and Apiti dances of the Acholi are waiting for you. The money that this group earns is used for uplifting their welfare.

Nature Walk
If you are interested in increasing your knowledge on African culture, visits to the Karimajong manyattas (homesteads) and probably kraals to see traditional costume, stools, spears headdress, knives, bows and arrows and jewelry can be arranged. Some of the above mentioned items can be purchased from the park tourist office. It's advisable that you make arrangements for the nature walk two days in advance. This booking can be done from the park headquarters in Apoka or from Uganda Wildlife Authority Headquarters in Kampala.
Visitors who choose to follow the Soroti-Moroto road will be enthralled by the view of the steep volcano of Alekilek about midway Moroti and Soroti. And for those who take the Lira-Kotido road will enjoy the scenery of the Labwor hills and in particular the massive and bare Alerek (Kidi Rwot) rock about 55 km to Kotido.

How to reach Kidepo Natioanl park

Road Transport:
Kampala-Lira-Kotido-Kidepo-705 km
Kampala-Mbale-Soroti-Moroto-Kidepo-792 km
Kampala-Mbale-Sironko-Kotido-Kideop-740 km
Kampala-Soroti -Kotido via Amuria 656 km
Driving is more rewarding as vast parts of Karamoja are scenic and total wilderness. However road conditions are some times difficult and 4-wheel drive vehicles (4WD) are recommended. Visitors should note that the road mainly in use from Kotido to Kaabong passes via Kanawauat.
Visitors intending to travel by road are advised to contact UWA headquarters to seek advice about conditions and safety on the roads.

Air Transport:
Chartered aircraft are available from Entebbe International Airport to the Park Headquarters. The Civil Aviation Authority manages an airstrip at Lomej about 3 km south of the Park Headquarters.

Where to stay Kidepo National Park

At the Park itself, there are 16 self-contained chalets at Apoka Rest Camp. There is also a hostel comprising of 14 bandas each with two beds; these bandas are not self contained. Both Apoka Lodge and the Bandas are managed by the park. Make your reservations through Uganda Wildlife Authority Headquarters in Kampala.

For visitors who like camping, the park has two 'Do it yourself' campsites. You must bring your tent and other camping equipment.

Kidepo valley national park

SIZE:1,442 sq km
LOCATION:On the Sudanese border in the northeast

The Kidepo Valley National Park is one of Uganda's most spectacular parks. It is 1,442 square kilometres and harbours scenery unsurpassed in any other park in East Africa. 'It could not be any better' is a common comment on the scenery by visitors who often promise and do come back to Kidepo. Tucked into the corner of Uganda's border with Sudan and Kenya, the park offers breathtaking Savannah landscapes, which end in rugged horizon. A huge latitudinal range and correspondingly wide climatic conditions have evolved an extremely diverse flora. As a result the variety of animal species in the park is equally abundant including many which are found no where else in Uganda.

The vegetation can best be described as open tree Savannah which varies much in structure and composition. Mountain forest dominates some of the high places, while areas along the Lorupei River support dense Acacia geradi forest. The flora and fauna of the park are more typical of Kenya than the rest of Uganda. The landscape throughout the park is studded with small hills, rocky outcrops and inselbergs from which one can obtain stunning views in all directions.


Primate Lodge (former Kanyanchu rest Camp), with a luxury tented camp and up market lodge nearby. Budget lodges at Bigodi, the crater lakes, and Fort Portal.

Kibale forest national park

SIZE:776 sq km
LOCATION:In the west, near Fort Portal

Getting there:
Fort Portal lies 320km from Kampala along a mostly surfaced direct road, or an hour's drive from Kasese (near QENP). Kanyanchu Visitors Centre, 35km from Fort Portal, is reached via a dirt road and is accessible on public transport..

Chimpanzee tracking and other guided forest walks, even night walks. Birders shouldn't miss Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary, a superb community development fringing the park. A field of beautiful crater lakes lies between Fort Portal and Kibale Forest.

Any time of year

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Uganda national parks


Bwindi impenetrable national park
Size:331 sq km
Location:Southwest. The closes large town is Kabale.

Getting There:
Bwindi can be reached both by road and by air. By road;
QENP in the north –Kihihi-Buhoma (2-3 hours),
Kampala-Ntungamo-Rukungiri –Kihihi-Buhoma

*4x4 recommended during the rains

By air, the tourists can fly from Entebbe international airport to Kisoro airstrip

When to visit:
Any time, though conditions are more challenging during the rainy season. So the rain coats and gumboots are advised.
There is a wide range of accommodation for both up market and budget visitors including Gorilla forest camp, Mantana tented camp, Volcanoes Bwindi camp, Gorilla Homestead, Buhoma homestead, Lake Kitandara camp and Gorilla resort for up market while Buhoma community campground and Bwindi view canteen and available for budget travelers.
What to do:
Gorilla tracking is the main activity in the park; permits must pre-booked at the UWA office in Kampala. Other guided forest walks are available: one popular trail leads to a pretty waterfall, others focus on birding and monkey-viewing.

Apart from these Great apes, Bwindi boast a large number of other primates (10 species) including chimpanzee, L’Hoest’s monkey, red tailed and blue monkeys, black and white colubus monkey, baboon, 310 species of Butterflies, 88 moths, 51 reptile species and 200 tree species. Other attractions are the Batwa communities that live around the park.

Tracking can take three to eight hours before you visits the gorillas, you should note the following:
ü Your group should be no more than 6 people and they have to be over 15 years of age.
ü Visitors are limited to one hour per gorilla group per day.
ü Always wash your hands before going out for gorillas.
ü If you have cold or any other infections, do not visit the gorillas.
When in the park;

ü Never walk alone and always take a guide.
ü In case of emergency, dig a hole and burry it to protect others’ health.
ü Do not pick or remove any plant or other wildlife.
ü Do not litter in the park.
ü If you are to sneeze, or cough cover your mouth and turn away from the gorillas.
ü Keep a distance away from the gorillas.
ü No smoking.
ü No eating or drinking.
When you encounter the gorillas always remember to be submissive
o Do not look at them straight in the face rather give a sideways glance.
o Do not stand over them-crouch instead, stay in a tight group
o Speak in whispers
o Do not use flash photography
Please bring the following for tracking gorillas.
o Hiking boots- ankle level boots are ok but make sure it is something handy.
o Gloves
o A warm cardigan
o Thick trousers and a long sleeved top are ideal for tracking.
o Rain Coat
o Video- filming is allowed in the parks though not outside the park
o Water proof container for their cameras
o A pair of binoculars if you are a keen bird watcher.
o If you prefer wearing a hat, a baseball cap is recommended.

for more information contact

Friday, March 27, 2009

Bwindi impenetrable national park

Bwindi impenetrable national park
(Home of the Mountain gorillas)

Size:331 sq km
Location:Southwest. The closes large town is Kabale.

Getting There:
Bwindi can be reached both by road and by air. By road;
QENP in the north –Kihihi-Buhoma (2-3 hours),
Kampala-Ntungamo-Rukungiri –Kihihi-Buhoma

*4x4 recommended during the rains

By air, the tourists can fly from Entebbe international airport to Kisoro airstrip

When to visit:
Any time, though conditions are more challenging during the rainy season. So the rain coats and gumboots are advised.
There is a wide range of accommodation for both up market and budget visitors including Gorilla forest camp, Mantana tented camp, Volcanoes Bwindi camp, Gorilla Homestead, Buhoma homestead, Lake Kitandara camp and Gorilla resort for up market while Buhoma community campground and Bwindi view canteen and available for budget travelers.
What to do:
Gorilla tracking is the main activity in the park; permits must pre-booked at the UWA office in Kampala. Other guided forest walks are available: one popular trail leads to a pretty waterfall, others focus on birding and monkey-viewing.

Apart from these Great apes, Bwindi boast a large number of other primates (10 species) including chimpanzee, L’Hoest’s monkey, red tailed and blue monkeys, black and white colubus monkey, baboon, 310 species of Butterflies, 88 moths, 51 reptile species and 200 tree species. Other attractions are the Batwa communities that live around the park.

Tracking can take three to eight hours before you visits the gorillas, you should note the following:
ü Your group should be no more than 6 people and they have to be over 15 years of age.
ü Visitors are limited to one hour per gorilla group per day.
ü Always wash your hands before going out for gorillas.
ü If you have cold or any other infections, do not visit the gorillas.
When in the park;

ü Never walk alone and always take a guide.
ü In case of emergency, dig a hole and burry it to protect others’ health.
ü Do not pick or remove any plant or other wildlife.
ü Do not litter in the park.
ü If you are to sneeze, or cough cover your mouth and turn away from the gorillas.
ü Keep a distance away from the gorillas.
ü No smoking.
ü No eating or drinking.
When you encounter the gorillas always remember to be submissive
o Do not look at them straight in the face rather give a sideways glance.
o Do not stand over them-crouch instead, stay in a tight group
o Speak in whispers
o Do not use flash photography
Please bring the following for tracking gorillas.
o Hiking boots- ankle level boots are ok but make sure it is something handy.
o Gloves
o A warm cardigan
o Thick trousers and a long sleeved top are ideal for tracking.
o Rain Coat
o Video- filming is allowed in the parks though not outside the park
o Water proof container for their cameras
o A pair of binoculars if you are a keen bird watcher.
o If you prefer wearing a hat, a baseball cap is recommended.

for more information contact